Embracing Life's Quirks with a Splash of Fun
Life's like a quirky roller coaster, and you're the fearless rider! To fend off anxiety and depression, remember that even superheroes...
Embrace Challenges With Compassion
Dear Gen Z, In a world brimming with challenges, remember that you hold the power to vanquish anxiety. Be kind towards yourself, for your...
A little bit of optimism did no-one no harm
When we are surrounded by news that brings in uncertainty, fear, despair and anxiety, it is all the more important for us to be...
"Even one bug leads to a compilation error."
Thousand lines of Java but one skipped semicolon. Hundred hours of construction but one forgotten cog. Ten minutes of meditation but one...
Why is EQ so Important in Today's Life?
Do you know what differentiates a superstar from ordinary people? Researchers have found out that emotional intelligence (EI) or...
The Power of Listening
Attentively hearing and trying to grasp the essence of words articulated by a person is real Listening . To listen fully means to pay...